Contact Us

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Jacobs Hall, EBU1, 2nd Floor
Jacobs School of Engineering
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093

Departmental Contacts:

  • Graduate Student Affairs, (858) 246-2696
  • Graduate Student Admissions, (858) 534-3213 |
  • Undergraduate Student Affairs, (858) 822-0273 or (858) 534-6395 | (e-mail is preferred)
  • Chair, (858) 534-7013
  • MSO, (858) 822-5730
  • Assistant to the Chair, (858) 534-7013
  • Fiscal, (858) 822-5731
  • HR/Payroll, (858) 534-5756
  • Academic Personnel, (858) 534-6221 or (858) 534-5756