ECE Course Prerequisites

All courses used to satisfy major requirements must be taken for a letter grade with the exception of Special Studies courses (ECE 197-199). Special Studies courses (197-199) are designed to be P/NP.

ECE Course Prerequisites Guide


Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering


ECE 15 Engineering Computation


ECE 16

Rapid Hardware and Software Design

ECE 15 or CSE 8B or CSE 11 or MAE 8

ECE 17 

Object-Oriented Programming: Design and Development with C++

ECE 15, CSE 8B or CSE 11
ECE 18 Programming in Python and Object-Oriented Principles CSE 8B or CSE 11 or ECE 15

ECE 25 Introduction to Digital Design


ECE 30

Introduction to Computer Engineering

ECE 15 and ECE 25

ECE 35 Introduction to Analog Design

Math 18, 20A, 20B and PHYS 2A; It is highly recommended taking MATH 20C and PHYS 2B prior or during the same quarter.


Pretest Solutions

ECE 45 Circuits & Systems

ECE 35


Pretest Solutions

ECE 65 Components & Circuits Laboratory

ECE 35

ECE 85

iTunes 101: A Survey of Information Technology


ECE 87 Freshman Seminar


ECE 90 Undergraduate Seminar


ECE 100

Linear Electronic Systems

ECE 45 and ECE 65. ECE 65 may be taken concurrently with department approval through EASy.

ECE 101

Linear Systems Fundamentals

ECE 45

ECE 102

Introduction to Active Circuit Design

ECE 65 and ECE 100. ECE 100 may be taken concurrently with department approval through EASy.

ECE 103

Fundamentals of Devices & Materials

ECE 65 and Phys 2D or Phys 4D and 4E.

ECE 107 Electromagnetism

Phys 2A-B-C or 4A-B-C and ECE 45.
ECE 108 Digital Circuits ECE 45, CSE 140 or ECE 25, CSE 30 or ECE 30

ECE 109

Engineering Probability & Statistics

Math 20A-B-C-D and Math 18.


Advanced Digital Design Project

ECE 25 or CSE 140

ECE 115 Fast Prototyping

ECE 16

ECE 118 Computer Interfacing

ECE 30 or CSE 30 and ECE 35, 45, 65.

ECE 120 Solar System Physics

Phys 2A–C or 4A–D, Math 20A–B-C with grades of C– or better.

ECE 121A

Power Systems Analysis and Fundamentals

ECE 35

ECE 121B Energy Conversion

ECE 121A

ECE 123 Antenna Systems Engineering

ECE 107 with a grade of C– or better.

ECE 124 Motor Drives

ECE 121B and ECE 125A

ECE 125A Power Electronics I

ECE 121A

ECE 125B Power Electronics II

ECE 125A

ECE 128A Real World Power Grid Operation

upper-division standing

ECE 128B Power Grid Modernization

upper-division standing

ECE 128C

Power Grid Resiliency to Adverse Effects

upper-division standing

ECE 129

Renewable and Energy Storage Resources


ECE 134

Electronic Materials Science of Integrated Circuits

Phys 2C–D with grades of C– or better.

ECE 135A Semiconductor Physics

ECE 103 with a grade of C– or better.

ECE 135B Electronic Devices

ECE 135A with a grade of C– or better.

ECE 136L Microelectronics Laboratory

ECE 135B

ECE 138L

Microstructuring Processing Technology Laboratory

Upper-division standing for science and engineering students.

ECE 139

Semiconductor Device Design & Modeling

None. Recommended preparation: ECE 135A-B or equivalent.
ECE 140A The Art of Product Engineering I CSE 8B or CSE 11 or ECE 15
ECE 140B The Art of Product Engineering II ECE 140A
ECE 141A Software Foundations I ECE 17 and ECE 30 or CSE 30
ECE 141B Software Foundations II ECE 141A
ECE 143 Programming for Data Analysis ECE 16
ECE 144 Labview Programming CSE 8B or CSE 11 or ECE 15

ECE 145AL Acoustics Laboratory

ECE 107 with a grade of C– or better or consent of instructor.

ECE 145BL Acoustics Laboratory

ECE 107 with a grade of C– or better or consent of instructor.

ECE 145CL Acoustics Laboratory

ECE 107 with a grade of C– or better or consent of instructor.
ECE 148 Intro To Autonomous Vehicles  ECE 15 or ECE 35 or MAE 2 or MAE 3 and consent of instructor.

ECE 153

Probability & Random Processes for Engineers

ECE 109 with a grade of C– or better.

ECE 155 Digital Communications Theory

(BENG122A or ECE101) and (ECE109 or ECON120A or MAE108 or MATH180A or MATH180B or MATH183 or MATH186) and (ECE153)

ECE 157A

Communications Systems Laboratory I

ECE 109 or MAE 108 or MATH 180A, 180B, 183, 186 or ECON 120A and ECE 161A.

ECE 157B

Communications Systems Laboratory II

ECE 157A

ECE 158A Data Networks I

ECE 109 with a grade of C– or better.

ECE 158B Data Networks II

ECE 158A with a grade of C– or better.

ECE 159

Introduction to Data Processing and Information Theory

ECE 153

ECE 161A

Introduction to Digital Signal Processing

ECE 101

ECE 161B

Digital Signal Processing I

ECE 161A with a grade of C– or better.

ECE 161C

Applications of Digital Signal Processing

ECE 161A

ECE 163

Electronic Circuits & Systems

ECE 101 and 102 with grades of C– or better.

ECE 164

Analog Integrated Circuit Design

ECE 102 with a grade of C– or better. ECE 163 recommended.

ECE 165

Digital Integrated Circuit Design

ECE 102

ECE 166

Microwave Systems & Circuits

ECE 102 and 107 with grades of C– or better.

ECE 171A

Linear Control System Theory

ECE 45 or MAE 140.

ECE 171B

Linear Control System Theory

ECE 171A with a grade of C– or better.

ECE 172A

Introduction to Intelligent Systems

ECE 101 with a grade of C– or better. ECE 109 recommended.

ECE 174

Introduction to Linear & Nonlinear Optimization with Applications

MATH 18 or MATH 31AH and ECE 15.

ECE 175A

Elements of Machine Intelligence: Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning

ECE 109 and ECE 174.

ECE 175B

Elements of Machine Intelligence: Probabilistic Reasoning & Graphical Models

ECE 175A
ECE 176 Introduction to Deep Learning and Applications MATH 18 or MATH 31AH (effective WI24).

ECE 180

Topics in Electrical & Computer Engineering

Consent of instructor; department stamp.

ECE 181

Physical Optics & Fourier Optics

ECE 103 and 107 with grades of C– or better.

ECE 182

Electromagnetic Optics, Guided-Wave, & Fiber Optics

ECE 103 and 107 with grades of C– or better.

ECE 183 Optical Electronics

ECE 103 and 107 with grades of C– or better.

ECE 184

Optical Information Processing & Holography

ECE 182 with a grade of C– or better.

ECE 185 Lasers & Modulators

ECE 183 with a grade of C– or better

ECE 187

Introduction to Biomedical Imaging & Sensing

Math 20A-B-C-D, Math 18 (formerly known as 20F), Phys 2A–D, ECE 101 (may be taken concurrently) with grades of C– or better.

ECE 188

Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering with Laboratory

Upper-division standing.
ECE 189 Technical Public Speaking Upper-division standing.

ECE 190 Engineering Design

Students enrolling in this course must have completed all of the breadth courses and one depth course. The department stamp is required to enroll in ECE 190. (Specifications and enrollment forms are available in the undergraduate office.)

ECE 191

Engineering Group Design Project

Completion of all of the breadth courses and one depth course. Department approval required.

ECE 193H Senior Seminar

Admission to the ECE departmental honors program.

ECE 195 Teaching

Consent of the department chair.

ECE 196 

Engineering Hands-on Group Project

upper-division standing

ECE 197

Field Study in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Consent of instructor and approval of the department.

ECE 198 Directed Group Study

Consent of instructor.

ECE 199

Independent Study for Undergraduates

Consent of instructor.