
ECE At a Glance

  • B.S., M.S., Ph.D.- Electrical Engineering
  • B.S., M.S., Ph.D.- Computer engineering (joint program with Computer Science and Engineering)
  • B.S.- Engineering Physics
  • B.A.- Electrical Engineering and Society

Faculty:                        68

Graduates:                 990

Undergraduates:     1,500

Endowed Chairs
Holder Endowed by In  Year 
Peter Asbeck Skyworks High-Performance Communications Devices and Circuits 2002
Shaya Fainman  Cymer Inc. Advanced Optical Technologies 2007
Eric Fullerton CMRR Magnetic Recording Research in Physics 1985
Andrew Kahng Chancellor’s Associates and Jacobs School of Engineering corporate affiliates High Performance Computing 2002
Laurence Milstein Ericsson Wireless Communications Access Techniques 2005
Alon Orlitsky Qualcomm Information Theory and its Applications 2002
Bhaskar Rao Ericsson Wireless Access Networks 2007
Ramesh Rao Qualcomm Telecommunications and Information Technologies 2002
Gabriel Rebeiz Wireless Communications Industry Wireless Communication Technology 1996
Paul Siegel CMRR Magnetic Recording Research Professor 1985
Stojan Radic Charles Lee Powell Wireless Communications 1996
Alex Vardy Jack Keil Wolf Electrical Engineering 2011
Paul Yu William S.C. Chang Electronic Devices and Materials 2008
Members of the National Academy of Engineering 
  • Peter Asbeck
  • Irwin Jacobs (Founding Faculty)
  • Pradeep K. Khosla (Chancellor)
  • James Lemke (Adjunct)
  • Don Norman (Affiliate)
  • Roberto Padovani (Affiliate)
  • Albert P. Pisano (Jacobs School Dean)
  • Gabriel Rebeiz
  • Victor Rumsey (Emeritus)
  • Paul Siegel
  • Andrew Viterbi (Emeritus)
  • Jack Keil Wolf (deceased)
Research Centers