By bringing together optical and electronic technologies, research in the photonics/opto-electronics program at UCSD is aimed at extending the performance of communication and computing systems, imaging and sensing systems, and energy harvesting systems beyond what have been achieved so far. Photonics is already revolutionizing areas such as the information highway infrastructure, the entertainment and computing industry, and advanced medical imaging and defense systems critical to US global competitiveness. The present research program at UCSD is highly interdisciplinary, involving not only materials scientists and device engineers, but also optical component and system engineers, computer engineers and scientists and network specialists. Many of our research projects are carried out in close collaboration with industrial partners for successful technology transfer. Along with well funded research programs and the strong interest of faculty members, the photonics/opto-electronics program enjoys state-of-the-art facilities for advanced optical characterizations and nano-scale fabrications. Presently the program involves more than 50 Ph.D students and 10 post doctoral researchers.

Nicholas A. Antipa

Y. Shaya Fainman

Zhaowei Liu

Vitaliy Lomakin

Shayan Mookherjea

Abdoulaye Ndao
Noah Rubin

Paul K. Yu
Affiliated Faculty

Nasser Peyghambarian
Emeritus Faculty

Joseph E. Ford